Monday, 17 December 2007
Many transactional websites offers different services and goods, but some of the websites focus on mainly on either goods or services, but websites like Tesco mainly focus on both and this helps the customers as they can do everything online with just a few click away which saves time aswell. Amazon also offers thousands of goods online and also offers a few services for the customers, as now customers aren’t looking for goods they are looking for services like credit cards and memberships which are beneficial to them.
Above is a image that shows the range of different topics that Amazon sells and in those topics and sub-topics which allows the user to access with ease by clicking on them. Amazon mainly sells electronic goods which is good as they are sometimes cheaper on Amazon than in high street stores.
The Product Information Provided
a website can use multimedia techniques to provide information about a product. it is important for a website to provide as much information as possible since the customer cannt see or handle the goods before they are delivered. by law the information proivided mst be honest and not make false claims.
Pictures are often used. clicking on them can enlarge small images, and short versions of th eitem description can be ex[anded to give detailed specifications. the idea is to provide a brief overview for the person in a hurry but allow the more discerning shopper to obtain further details. Amazon provide relavnt information for a product, and the information is normally little but not broing which play a big part in capturing customer attention, as the customer doenst want to read boring paragraphs, and they can just scan through the item quickly and eventually make the transaction quickly, which benefit the company greatly.
Above is a image of the muiltmedia feature of amazon which allows te user to scroll through images which are larger than the image on the product screen, heer you can pick a range for different types of pictures, this allows the user to look at the item as if it was in a real shop and they can see it from different angles.
Thursday, 13 December 2007
E-commerce is a online shopping website that allows the users to carry out transactions between the company, e-commerce has become increasingly popular over the last few years the reason for this is because website like Amazon, Tesco and Play have become more popular as this is a cheaper alternative than buying in the store most of the time. Amazon is a website that allows users to buy anything from goods to some services, Tesco is a online shopping website that allows the user to buy there weekly shopping and also Tesco offers services like insurance and loans, Play is a website that allows the user to make transactions, they sell electronic goods like CD’s, DVD’s, Games and gadgets aswell. All of these websites have become more popular due to saving time and saving money.
A Transaction website is a website where a transaction is carried out between the customer and company from either goods or services. A transaction website has to collect details of the customer and collect the payment.
This is a screen shot of Tesco homepage, as you can see it has many different options that the user can take, at the top of the page there is the goods that a customer can buy and also the services that the user can take up. Also you can access you club card if you have one and also there are many other things you can do at the bottom of the page. Also Tesco have started their advertisement campaign for Christmas as you can see from the homepage there is festive advertisement that will encourage customers to purchase goods off
This is screenshot of the homepage of, ebuyer is a company that sells electronic products from laptops to office supplies. Ebuyer is a very simple and cheap website, that is very popular, as you can seen from the picture the layout of the homepage is very similar to and, as there are the different categories at the top of the page, also it shows more advertisement and especially around Christmas time as this is the time where most people purchases goods, before you buy anything you have to set up an account with the company but this is very easy and quick this process if the same as, and, the reason for setting up an account with these companies is because you can access the account anytime and you can store all your details and you know they are safe and secure. You can search for a particular item with the search facility which is easy and quick as you don’t have to go through all the categories.
The reason why I will be looking at Amazon is because it is a large website that offers many options from goods and services, and I have brought items off Amazon before that was straight forward and I know how the process of buying items online off Amazon.
Website Link
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
this screenshot shows the E-mail tab which allows user to contact Amazon through email, here you need to add in the Order number or if you dont have ti to hand then you can just click the tab buttong where it says choose order or items by pressing this button it takes you to your account and you can pick any of your items that you contacting Amazon for, then you need to state what issue you it is, you just click the drop down box and then choose from a range of issues, then after you picked you issue then you have a box where you can write you message on whta it is regarding and then after you have finished this you can then click send E-mail and then the process is compltet and then Amazon will send you an Email confirming this and then it says when they will contact you,
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
Monday, 10 December 2007
this screen shot shows the stage in changing some of your details to something different, this secures you account as you can change the password when ever you like to stop people hacking into your account, this enhances the secuirty of your account.
Thursday, 6 December 2007
E-commerce is a online shopping website that allows the users to carry out transactions between the company, e-commerce has become increasingly popular over the last few years the reason for this is because website like Amazon, Tesco and Play have become more popular as this is a cheaper alternative than buying in the store most of the time. Amazon is a website that allows users to buy anything from goods to some services, Tesco is a online shopping website that allows the user to buy there weekly shopping and also Tesco offers services like insurance and loans, Play is a website that allows the user to make transactions, they sell electronic goods like CD’s, DVD’s, Games and gadgets aswell. All of these websites have become more popular due to saving time and saving money.
Transaction websites
A Transaction website is a website where a transaction is carried out between the customer and company from either goods or services. A transaction website has to collect details of the customer and collect the payment.
This is a screenshot of the homepage of As you can see from the homepage it is very similar to Amazon but is a smaller website compared to Amazon, but in a few years to come will grow even bigger with selling more goods and it will start to sell services to people online which will grow the company even bigger. As you can see there are Christmas offers and also it shows you pick of the week, which encourages the user to look on that pick, also there is a search facility, and there are many other advertisement articles around the page.
This is a screen shot of Tesco homepage, as you can see it has many different options that the user can take, at the top of the page there is the goods that a customer can buy and also the services that the user can take up. Also you can access you club card if you have one and also there are many other things you can do at the bottom of the page. Also Tesco have started their advertisement campaign for Christmas as you can see from the homepage there is festive advertisement that will encourage customers to purchase goods off
This is screenshot of the homepage of, ebuyer is a company that sells electronic products from laptops to office supplies. Ebuyer is a very simple and cheap website, that is very popular, as you can seen from the picture the layout of the homepage is very similar to and, as there are the different categories at the top of the page, also it shows more advertisement and especially around Christmas time as this is the time where most people purchases goods, before you buy anything you have to set up an account with the company but this is very easy and quick this process if the same as, and, the reason for setting up an account with these companies is because you can access the account anytime and you can store all your details and you know they are safe and secure. You can search for a particular item with the search facility which is easy and quick as you don’t have to go through all the categories.
The website that I will be looking at is the online shop Amazon. Amazon is a e-commerce company, is based in Washington. For UK users you can order things online form the UK and the items you buy will come quick, also you can buy things off the and they come from America. Amazon allows the user to buy many goods in different categories. Amazon is one of the most popular online shopping website on the internet. The main reason for this is people are finding it easier to sit at home and order things online rather than going out to buy it and in most cases the customers can get a good which is cheaper off the internet.
The reason why I will be looking at Amazon is because it is a large website that offers many options from goods and services, and I have brought items off Amazon before that was straight forward and I know how the process of buying items online off Amazon.
Website Link
Monday, 26 November 2007
Many different businesses sell a product, in the process of making the product there is the production process, this is either mass production, batch production, continueoues production or one-off production, with a good IT system the production is kept going and the supply under control if this supply was not kept under control then for example a car manufacturer may run out of components and th eproduction line will come to a standstill, either though the workers are getting paid for this.
Batch Production- is when there is a small amount around 1000 being produced
Mass production- when there is huge amount being produced like car manufacture like Ford
One-off production- is when a product is made only once like a conecpt gadget
Continueous production- is when the production line is running 24/7 like making aluminiun cans
A Large Bakery Company
Ingrediants - what types of wheat,flour etc, how much of each ingrediants.
Timing process- how much time they have to produce the bread/cakes
Workers position- like what workers do what and what status they have
Cleaning materials- how much, what types are used for what machinery
Machinery being used- what type produceing what cakes/bread
Quantities of cakes/bread to be made
Friday, 23 November 2007
Screen Forms, processing, automated data capture
Can delete mistakes
Can be validated, can check your mistakes, it works in software, spreadsheets
No surname is longer than 15 letters
No name has numbers in it
Company need validation to Reduce mistakes, reduces time, increase money,
Validation cant stop all mistakes, can be the wrong information put in but the right format,
also instead of using a drop down boxes, and tick box system could be used, as ou have to tick one of them.
Chip-A chip must appear on the front of the card. Cardholders are required to enter a PIN number to make a purchase.
V PAY logo-The V PAY logo appears on the front of the card. Alternative logo placement options and vertical orientation of the card and logo are possible.
Ultraviolet “V” element-When placed under an ultraviolet light, a “V” printed in ultraviolet ink will be visible over the V PAY logo.
Flat card-Unlike other Visa cards, V PAY cards feel flat. The cardholder’s name, account number and expiration date may be printed on either the front or back of the card, not embossed.
Visa holographic magnetic stripe-Use of the Visa holographic magnetic stripe with doves in flight is optional. You may see this magnetic stripe or a traditional one on a V PAY card.
- Preparing Electricity bills
- processing cheques
- processing exam results
Transaction processing-
Thursday, 22 November 2007
Transactional Websites
A transactional website, allows the user to make a purchase over the internet between the customer and company providing the goods and services. They have to collect the details off the customer and collect payment.
Databases will be used in these websites for purchase history, stock, details address name, payment details,
Organizations need information to function details,
Details like username, email addresses, password, stock levels,
Amazon, police investigate things databases, paypal need card details and passwords
Hospital need databases information, as their patients need precise medicines etc.
Data- is a collection of facts, store data, data is processed in the computer and output in the form of information, data is typed into the computer, or clicked. Computers need data,
Information- is what the humans want; it is generally the output from a computer system. It is data in context; it has a meaning to us. The real world is made out of information. Information follows data,
Knowledge- goes even further, it is coherent understanding based on information. It includes understanding links between different items of information and how actions can be decided on because of the information
We need to do data capture is a process of getting information from the outside world and putting it on the computer, collecting the data, voting on a reality TV program,
Mistakes can be important as can get mislead for someone else or something like grades,
or prisoners.
Paper Forms
They collect the same fields of data from each person,
The data is easy to process as there are exact fields
They have structure there are sections
Tick boxes this restricts what people write back
Screen Forms
Can delete mistakes
Can be validated, can check your mistakes, it works in software, spreadsheets
No surname is longer than 15 letters
No name has numbers in it
Company need validation to Reduce mistakes, reduces time, increase money,
Validation cant stop all mistakes, can be the wrong information put in but the right format,
Monday, 19 November 2007
Online Shopping (Amazon)
The website that i will be looking at is the online shop Amazon.Amazon is a e-commerce company, is based in Washington. For UK users you can order things online form the UK and the items you buy will come quicke, also you can buy things off the Amazon .com and they come from Amercia.
Website Link
Amazon is used by many people, and it is very popular around this time of the year as we are approaching christmas, also there is a christmas theme on amazon which gives you a more pleasant shoppping experience, Amazon sells a lot of different items from books to shoes, and baby items to home and garden. As christmas is coming up Amazon recommends many diffreent items and this comes up on the homepage when you go on the website, but beofr eoyu can buy anything you have to make an account up first which you need to submit your details and address and also your credit card details, but this is all secure. Also on this website you can create a wish list which you can submit diffreent items to a list and and this is highly premoted at christmas.
Credit Card Plan
Also amazon had a credit card that you can have aswell, and you can recieve many benfits from this and cna get money off your purchases.
Also Amazon allows you to sell your items aswell as buys items, in every topic there is a subtopic of sell you stuff with this you can sell anything used and new and people do tedn to buy your items this is a fast and effective way of selling your goods and could be a alternative to ebay because it may seem more secure and more genuine.
Prime Membership
Amazon has also introduced amazon prime is a membership program which you have to pay £49 a year for but you get great benfits these benefits include free one day delivery, express delivery, you can share your benefits with other users. It may seem a lot fo money but if you are a frequent user of amazon and also with christmas coming up then this is a could time to sign up as you can recieve the items fast and in time for putting them under the christmas tree.
Amazon allows you to track your order anywhere in the world, and to see where they are if they are in the dispatch stage or delivery stage.
Creating an account is easy you need to provide an email address firstly, then you need to type you name and birthday, you dont have to put your birthday is, but when you log into amazon if comes up with a birthday greeting and tells you about different offers, after you entered that you need to provide a password of anything once you done that you then press continue to the next stage, then you need to complete different stages like what topics interest you the most, then you need to add in last purchases in each topic you dont need to do this as this waste time and you could be buy stuff in this time, after you need to click your account and then you have an account, at your account there are many different services you can go to from view order, you change details, and to payments settings.
Ipod ITouch
On Amazon you can search anything, i have put a serach in for the Apple Itouch the new ipod from apple, this will be in very high demand because of chirstmas is coming and there will be high orders for this, there is three pages of different related to the Itouch, from cases to the actually ipod, i then clicked on the Ipod Itouch 16gb, which is the best Itouch with more space on, there are five big images on the Itouch so you can have a look what you are getting, also as you are on the page you can have a look on people reviews and what they htink about apple new installment, as you go down the page you can see a few details about the Itouch there isnt much details and this is good as this doesnt bore you reading a big article, also on the page tells you how much it is and if they are in stock, and it also tells you how many there are form other shops and new and used ones and tells you the cheapest price, also there is recommended items that you can buy with the Itouch which automatically adds up for you,
- credit cards transactions can be validated online automatically so the risk of not being paid for goods is low
- much of the clerical work required cna be automated
- invoices and delivery notes can be printed at the same time the order is placed
- the system can analyse sales patterns to make stock control easier
Real-Time Sales Information
real-time information is provided by ilinking the sales web pages to the stock database. this provides the customer with true online information if the goods are in stock. it is also possible to provide estimated delivery dates if the goods are not in stock. if goods are not available the site cna collect a customers details and then send an email when the goods are in stock. many sites offer a way of tracking an order that has been placed so that customer cna log in adn see the progress of the order.
Types of Transactions That Can Be Made
a transaction is where interaction takes place with a database management system. on a shopping website you are interacting with a complex and customer database. transactions can be as simple as clciking on an image of an item to see it any are in stock. they may be more complex in the case of the order form for a first time customer where all new details need to be captured. A system needs to collect the payment information in this case a credit card number and other details used to validate the card and the name and address of th eperson paying bthe bill and the delivery or sometimes called shipping address. the main way of interacting with this page is to use text boxes that require information typing into them. the payment method shows another method, called a drop-down menu, where a choice is given and the user selects one of the choices.
this is a screenshot of a payment process that a customer would go through and fill out each feild with information about themselves
Conditions of Purchase
all websites have conditions of service displayed somewhere on them. they are sometimes difficult to find, but a good website from a reputable company will mae them not only easy to find but also easy to understand. companies are often criticised for making them long and difficult to read. some companies make it difficult to return the goods. security of customers personal and credit card information and likely to be covered in the terms and conditions. a good company will make its position clear and have a statemnt about how it complies with good practice.