Monday, 17 December 2007

The Goods and Services it Offers

Many transactional websites offers different services and goods, but some of the websites focus on mainly on either goods or services, but websites like Tesco mainly focus on both and this helps the customers as they can do everything online with just a few click away which saves time aswell. Amazon also offers thousands of goods online and also offers a few services for the customers, as now customers aren’t looking for goods they are looking for services like credit cards and memberships which are beneficial to them.

Above is a image that shows the range of different topics that Amazon sells and in those topics and sub-topics which allows the user to access with ease by clicking on them. Amazon mainly sells electronic goods which is good as they are sometimes cheaper on Amazon than in high street stores.

The Product Information Provided
a website can use multimedia techniques to provide information about a product. it is important for a website to provide as much information as possible since the customer cannt see or handle the goods before they are delivered. by law the information proivided mst be honest and not make false claims.
Pictures are often used. clicking on them can enlarge small images, and short versions of th eitem description can be ex[anded to give detailed specifications. the idea is to provide a brief overview for the person in a hurry but allow the more discerning shopper to obtain further details. Amazon provide relavnt information for a product, and the information is normally little but not broing which play a big part in capturing customer attention, as the customer doenst want to read boring paragraphs, and they can just scan through the item quickly and eventually make the transaction quickly, which benefit the company greatly.

Above is a image of the muiltmedia feature of amazon which allows te user to scroll through images which are larger than the image on the product screen, heer you can pick a range for different types of pictures, this allows the user to look at the item as if it was in a real shop and they can see it from different angles.

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